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Krav Maga

In Krav Maga (pronounced Kravh-Mhgah, from Hebrew easy to translate as a contact combat) is a quick to learn and easy to use tactical self-defense system.


Instead of teaching a variety of complicated techniques, Krav Maga focuses on simple universal principles. These include


  • The defense builds on the natural human instincts, behaviors and biomechanical degrees of freedom

  • The defense acts directly against the respective acute danger

  • Every defense is at the same time a counterattack

  • A defense must work against different forms of attack

  • Technical solutions are individual and easy to learn

  • The defense works under unfavorable circumstances

  • The training includes the stress experience of real attacks

  • Krav Maga is open-minded and constantly updated


The purpose

Krav Maga is self-defense. It enables to fight in the case of unjustified violent attacks. Krav Maga's intention is to neutralize the attacker (s) as quickly as possible.


Keep it simple

In Krav Maga, all technical solutions naturally follow dispositions (survival instincts, biomechanical degrees of freedom) and restrictions (anxiety, stress reactions) that humans have. Exactly this is the reason why Krav Maga can be learned and executed very quick. The explanation is simple: because defense actions are closely linked to instincts and natural reflex patterns, the reaction time is reduced to a minimum. Keep it simple.


Keep it individual

The orientation to principles allows a flexible design of the lesson. Everyone trains and develops their own personal Krav Maga in this way. Here another peculiarity of Krav Maga is revealed. The focus is always on the learner and not on the system. The trainee develops the usual non-donor mentality for the Krav Maga. Keep it individual.



The creation of Krav Maga is attributed to Imi Lichtenfeld. Like Edison and the light bulb, Krav Maga was not the product of a sole inventor who developed the system overnight. The development of Krav Maga is rather due to numerous social and personal influences, e.g. close relationships with sports and military practices in the 1930s and 1940s, geopolitical events (including Arab revolt) and various persons (Moshe Feldenkrais, Gershon Kofler, etc.) play a decisive role. We investigate the creation and the global career of Krav Maga - the evidence-based results contradict the KM folklore and self-created hype of the style in many places.


train2protect offers Krav Maga lessons for children from the age of 5, as well as for teenagers and adults.


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