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Self Protection with concept


Violence does not suddenly fall from the sky. Like everything in life, violence also has a beginning, a middle and an end. Self-defense usually starts when violence is already in play. You got violently clasped from behind, someone wants your money. You are in the middle of it. Good self-defense shows you ways to get out of it - under realistic conditions.


However, self-protection starts earlier: how did it even happen? Was there a pre threat cue? What role does your own behavior, your attitude play? Training, which makes these and related aspects practically tangible, decisively widens degrees of decision making.


Effective behavioral strategies for all conflict phases are the focus of our teaching. You learn to defend yourself resolutely and with simple means. In addition, you will develop a relaxed awareness of potential dangers, learn to control emotions as well as verbal and nonverbal de-escalation strategies - skills which can be utilized in many situations in life.


train2protect offers everything that matters for self protection:

  • Krav Maga conditions you, here you develop the unflustered will to defend,

  • Combatives focuses on proactivity with simple tactical and physical means,

  • Wing Chun trains your body awareness and your ability to control movement,

  • In Qi Gong you develop inner and outer mindfulness.


Taken together, the all of those attributes form the foundation for effective self-protection. 


train2protect - for kids, teenagers and adults. 

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